Unique Wedding Veils Made Exclusively For You And Your Fabulous Dress
Making wedding veils for a living is not the most common of professions so when I meet new people they are often quite surprised when I say I’m a veil maker.
But let me tell you, they are nowhere as surprised as I am when, in return, they say things like, “Do brides still wear veils?“.
*Dramatically clutches pearls*
You could just knock me down with a feather every time because not only do brides still wear veils, but as you’ll see from this post, many of them are wearing more modern, elaborate and unique wedding veils than ever before.
And long, too. They just keep getting longer.
Now, of course, there must also be brides out there who choose not to wear a veil – heaven forbid! But, well, those brides won’t end up in my DMs so I can only go off the super enthusiastic, veil-wearing brides that I come across in my daily work life – of which there are many.